Saturday, December 12, 2009

Through the Woods

There is a long and winding path that wends its way through an enchanted wood below a canopy of green foliage and pockets of blue sky. It is said that for those who do not wish to come under the spell of these woods, they do well to keep their steps to this narrow path and their gaze fixed ahead...
"...for the feet may wander and the eyes may stray, and they should not even think to venture on this path save in the full light of day. Though, where this path leads to, strangely no-one can say, not even those who have gone that selfsame way.
"They may claim with not a shadow of doubt, to have taken that path, the very same, but somehow it seems, at some point did stray, for when from the wood they came out, they were back where they started, of that there was not the slightest of doubt!
"But of the few who have ventured by night on this path, little is known and less is said, for none returned and none were found, not one soul came back from that unhallowed ground!"

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