Friday, October 28, 2011

Back soon??? Yes!!!

This is just to let my hundreds of avid readers and fans everywhere know that despite my protracted absence I've not abandoned my blog and that I'll be back soon with more hard-hitting no-punches-pulled exposés of the burning issues of the day or meandering trips down memory lane (for the more nostalgic).

Je reviens bientot!
At the moment I'm on some sun-drenched beach somewhere half way round the world in the tropics staring out to sea or ogling some gorgeous chick's natural assets and I can't concentrate on serious stuff. Lamentable, I know, but nonetheless true... sometimes.

My attention span is on tourist mode, which means that I'm only using about 20% of my brain, which is more than enough for leisure purposes until I get back to the real world, or at least what passes for the real world for me. Everyone has their own reality.

When I get back to base I will most likely breathe new life into this blog of mine and revamp it, as I've noticed that there are some new so-called 'dynamic views' on offer in Blogger now, but I need more brain-power for this so as to make the right choices and not cock things up!

So there you have it, devotees and acolytes.... sit tight, watch this space and your patience will be rewarded with more intellectual stimulation and spiritual nourishment on my return. To those that wait, it shall be given in abundance.To those that believe, it shall... well, you get the idea, I think.

Bye for now.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Olá, Chris!
    Você sumiu...Nunca mais vi nenhum comentário seu em meu blog, o "Pensamento me leve", lembra-se? Senti falta de suas ideias e comentários por lá. Resolvi ver o que acontecia, agora vi que anda sumido mesmo.
    Boas viagens!Quando voltar visite meu blog, ok?Saudades!
    Rita Ribeiro

  3. Rita

    Obrigado por seus comentarios carinhosos na minha pagina blogger, "Where the poppies grow", apreciei muito.

    Estava ausente, sim, e de fato estava passando algumas semanas no seu grande pais aonde vou regularmente. 'E muito diferente do meu pais tanto em termos de clima quanto respeito ao povo e a vida em geral e tem de tudo.

    Devo dizer que te admiro por poder manter 4 blogs no mesmo tempo - vc é muiiiiito produtiva! Eu mal consigo manter um so, nao apenas por ter muito trabalho mas tb por nao saber do que falar! Mas nao desisto, algo vai me passar pela cabeça. Kkkkkk!

    Bom, obrigado mais uma vez e te garanto que vou visitar seu blog (so que agora nao sei qual dos quatro?!) e comentar quando eu tiver algo que vale a pena falar.

    Um abraço pra vc


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